Suncor, a Canadian oil company, is proposing the expansion of their crude oil pipeline system in Colorado. The Rocky Mountain Pipeline last leg - known as Line 1 - rips through two countries, and four states. The last 49 miles will run through Weld County in North Eastern Colorado, increasing the capacity by 30%. A higher capacity means a higher chance of pipeline failure.
A clean and safe environment is essential for our communities to thrive. The potential harms should not be overlooked:
Oil spills and leaks - The clean up efforts are often costly and may not always effectively restore the environment and habitats for wildlife in the area.
Water Contamination - Line 1 crosses the South Platte River.
Emissions - The extraction, transport, and burning of fossil fuels, including those transported by pipelines, contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, which are a major driver of climate change and negatively impact our health
Because this is an existing pipeline, there will be no chance for public comment at a federal level. There is a limited appeal process after the permits are approved at the county level.
Residents of Weld County are already impacted by poor air quality and pollution from numerous industries. The Environmental Justice Act (HB21-1266) has declared that ALL Coloradans have the right to breathe clean air, drink clean water, and have the ability to make decisions about their environment.
Weld County has never denied a pipeline permit.
Tell the County Commissioners to put community first - STOP LINE 1
Dear Weld County Commissioners,
Reject the Rocky Mountain Line 1 Pipeline expansion permits.
Pipelines carrying crude oil have a significant risk of failure, causing spills and leaks that can cause irreparable harm to the environment and wildlife. Our communities are already burdened by poor air quality and pollution from numerous industries.
The landscape and natural resources unique to North Eastern Colorado deserve protection, not contamination.
The expansion of this pipeline will unnecessarily increase risks to our communities. A healthy, clean, and safe environment is essential for a community to thrive. We should work to eliminate potential harms.
Please, do not allow the Rocky Mountain Pipeline expansion to move forward.
Respectfully submitted,