
GreenLatinos Mourns Atlanta Spa Shooting Victims and Condemns Rising Violence Against AAPI Across the Nation

Our nationwide community of Latino/a/x environmental leaders stands united with our Asian American siblings in condemning rising Anti-Asian violence across the U.S. We mourn the loss of the eight people — most of them Asian women — killed last week in Atlanta, targeted because of their culture, their work and the color of their skin, in a climate of rising white supremacy.

GreenLatinos remains committed to dismantling racism in all forms and against all of our communities so that we can one day thrive in a healthy, equitable, and liberated society, free of racist violence.

We urge GreenLatino supporters to:

  • Learn about our shared history with Asian immigrants to the United States and the many shared environmental, climate, and natural resource struggles across our communities.

  • Support the families who have suffered in Atlanta with financial contributions and services, as you are able, through Asian Americans Advancing Justice, in Atlanta.

  • Organize with us as we dismantle the white supremacist structures that continue to produce so much pain and suffering.

We know that an attack on one of us is an attack on all of us. We stand in solidarity with the AAPI community and will continue the fight to create a more just and equitable world.

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