
GreenLatinos Announces Historic Latino Climate Justice Framework, Providing Blueprint for a Equitable Future

WASHINGTON - GreenLatinos is proud to announce the historic launch today of the Latino Climate Justice Framework, a groundbreaking new report highlighting the issues disproportionately affecting our Latino/a/x community and provides a blueprint for an equitable future.

This historic movement is the culmination of a year-long process to co-create with Latinx-serving organizations a lasting framework for addressing the climate crisis that prioritizes environmental justice and elevates Latino/a/x priorities). The framework presented in this report builds upon the significant work of frontline climate and environmental justice leaders around the United States to elevate the unique burdens climate change imposes upon Latino/a/x communities and propose just solutions that ensure our priorities are included, elevated, and protected.


To celebrate the release of the report, GreenLatinos is hosting the LCJF Forum tonight, Wednesday, October 12th at 6pm ET, bringing together 22 leading Latino/a/x organizations to address the climate crisis and achieve environmental liberation.

The forum is a public event hosted at Unidos US Headquarters and will be an opportunity for critical discussion on policy solutions within the LCJF to address the disproportionate impacts of the climate crisis on Latino/a/x communities. This event will bring together high-profile decision-makers from crucial states around the country to share remarks and share how the climate crisis has impacted their communities.

In attendance will be GreenLatinos members who are climate advocates from across the country, partner organizations, LCJF signatories, elected officials and their staff, and members of the Biden Administration.

WHEN: Wednesday, October 12, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. ET

WHERE: Unidos.US Headquarters Conference Room, 1126 16th St. NW #600



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