
GreenLatinos Statement on the Nominations for Secretaries of Dept. of Transportation and Dept. of Energy

Washington, D.C. — GreenLatinos congratulates Mayor Pete Buttigieg upon his nomination as Secretary of the US Department of Transportation (DOT) and Gov. Jennifer Granholm upon her nomination as Secretary of the US Department of Energy (DOE). We look forward to working with DOT and DOE to advance effective and equitable public policy that supports the mobility of all people in every community, and creates new investment in environmentally sustainable infrastructure and clean renewable energy.

Granholm has long been a champion of electric vehicles; during her eight years as governor, she created new incentives for developing electric vehicle technology, and helped push domestic automakers like Ford and GM into the electric vehicle market. She also supported creating tax credits and incentives for development of wind and solar infrastructure. In 2008, she signed legislation requiring Michigan electric providers to get 10% of their energy from renewable sources by 2015.

As a presidential candidate, Buttigieg put forward a robust $1.1 trillion transportation infrastructure plan with urban-centric goals, including upgrades to roads and public transportation, and the implementation of a national Vision Zero policy. As Mayor of South Bend, he championed a Smarter Streets initiative that improved and created new pedestrian and cycling infrastructure throughout the city.

At GreenLatinos, we believe that this is a pivotal moment for innovation in the energy and transportation sectors. As the US seeks to move beyond gasoline vehicles and fossil fuels power, we are optimistic that Buttigieg and Granholm will be champions for forward-thinking policy that creates new opportunities and incentives for innovation, and remediates past environmental malfeasance and infrastructural neglect. GreenLatinos strongly advocates for the transition to clean renewable energy production and distribution. We support state-led efforts to phase-out gasoline powered vehicles and to invest in clean electricity, including incentivizing power utilities to reach net zero sooner. With strong federal leadership, we are confident that the US can create effectual and equitable policy that exceeds current climate goals and guides us ambitiously towards a new climate future.

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